Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Yoga Before Running and Spin

because I am calm; I am calm. DAMMIT, I AM CALM!!!

And, it's totally fine that my next race is 4 weeks away and I totally shitcanned the 10 miler on Sunday...that's just because I was worn out.

And, it's also totally fine that I currently have the amazing skin of a 15-year old on a pizza and cheetos diet; I was travelling, and my body's out of whack.

Oh, and, the caffeine will totally kick in at some point today. It's just the rain, not the fact that my schedule is like Angelina Jolie looking for orphans in a war-ravaged nation.

Yoga beofre Running and Spin tonight, because I'm totally calm.

What the....?!

It's been a year. I have launched my new law practice out in the world and, apart from being utterly paralyzed by fear at times, and struggling to move forward, I am attempting to write a professional blog. The post I am working on has been in my head for about a month now, and as I look at it, and write and rewrite and rewrite again, I am consistenetly amazed that I once felt comfortable in my writing and in my voice. Not only was I a literature major, I have done a lot of creative writing , can pen a killer email, and well, there's this thing, too, of course.

But, there in the context of "profession" and "professional" in said profession, I'm still trying to find my voice- one that can really do justice to my passion and knowledge in my practice area but also stays true to who I am as a person. Instead, all I can think, staring at my laptop screen, an old friend who has seen better days, indeed, is that
law has either 1) left me completely devoid of the ability to write, or 2) taken away any illusion I may have had that I possessed any sort of ability from the start.

And, so, I come back here, to my training-wheel blog, to find comfort and gain confidence, to write the personal side of getting this thing up and running, while running. and dancing. and teaching. and being me. I'm back here because this is where I can perhaps get some of those paralyzing thoughts and fears out of me, so the way is clear for professional me to soar. Or at least do more than whimper.

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