Thursday, June 05, 2008

The Mini

This morning I finished my last training run in preparation for the Road Runners' Women's Only 10K, and I am ready to race. Since I last posted, I survived those shows that I was so dreading and think I learned something about myself along the way. I then went to the acupuncturist who, along with the taking of giant glucosamine supplement pills, helped me with that creaky knee. Thank goodness for Dr. Ana and Glucosamine- what a difference! Then, I did another, completely less intense show,....and then I decided to sit for the IL bar. And then, I got into the NIKE NYC Half-Marathon, which is an amazingly cool event, which required a lottery drawing because it's so popular. God definitely has a sense of humor because it is also 2 days before I have to sit for aforementioned IL bar exam. Isn't it supposed to be the lazy days of summer?!?!

Uh, yeah, not lazy. The IL bar exam will only be one day, since my multi-state score was good enough to carry forward and waive me out of taking that it's just me and esssays. Essays that I have to handwrite because there are no openings in the laptop program- drat! This is the last administration of the exam that I can do that for, otherwise the scores "expire" under IL rules, so it makes sense. Then I never have to think about it again and I will be admitted to the bar in case I need or want to move back. That does not mean it is not painful, however. Thankfully, all the copious notes I took and flashcards I made last year are already coming in rather handy.
Still, it is going to be a journey.

The Nike half is going to be awesome! It's a great event and I'll run through a closed-down Times Square (along with the other runners, not just randomly). If all goes well, I think I will run it (it starts at 7am), be done by 9 then can catch a flight later that day, be in Chicago for Sunday night, study and rest on Monday, steak dinner Monday night, take the bar Tuesday, giant margarita or 7 Tuesday night and fly back to NYC on Wednesday.

Then, I return to Chicago 2 weeks later for White Sox versus Red Sox on Friday night and then running the Chicago Distance Classic (another 1/2 marathon) on Sunday morning. Oh, and this one is for a cause......Racoco productions! As a way of raising funds for the upcoming company quest, the company will be accepting pledges for my it's for a good cause, and it's good midwestern fun. Plus, who likes a challenge more than me?! LOL

More soon!